Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Venture into Food...

I get really frustrated when people regurgitate the media and talk about how "fat is bad" and "we need to protect our children from bacteria by bleaching everything."  There is a literal disappearance of whole milk at restaurants now! (and even Michelle Obama and the FDA say I need to give my less-than-two-year-old whole milk... so where is it?)  Meanwhile, those same people want to throw money at finding a cure for the autism/ADHD/[insert degenerative disease here] crises.  Because money is the answer.  In the midst of all that, I need something uplifting. These links below made my day :-)  Enjoy!

Jaye Anne


  1. Thank you! I get irritated at the disappearance of whole milk, too. As if having our kids drink real milk is what's hurting their health…ugh. Also whole milk yogurt. All the yogurt marketed to kids is low-fat, which makes me sad. There was one brand we could get, but it's out of our grocery stores now, sigh.

  2. I am so glad someone else is happy with milk as given to us naturally. Whole milk is a WHOLE food! :-)
