Friday, July 26, 2013

D-bag Nutritionist on Royal Pains

I have tolerated some BS on this show when it comes to natural and alternative choices for taking care of the body.  A family who decided not to vaccinate gets whooping cough? OK.  You know where they stand on vaccinating, clearly.  "Pain relief is only 2 mililiters away" when Hank had back pain and scoffed at Chiropractic as a viable option?  That stings.

But the most recent episode.  Doubleyou. Tee. EFF.  That is just unnecessary roughness against practitioners who are actually listening to clients where doctors are NOT.  This type of putting the nutritionist squarely under the doctor only works to deter people subliminally from finding options that can really save their health and change their lives.  CHANGE THEIR LIVES.  Seriously--we need to be making friends here and not making alpha-male pissing contests.  

If only all doctors actually cared about their patients as much and as thoroughly as Hank does on the show.  Maybe we would be a healthier nation.  But a broken system does not need to be perpetuated by depicting nutritionists, life coaches, and personal trainers as know-it-all's who actually know nothing about the human body.

Fortunately, their hypothesis that the d-bag was feeding a patient tapeworms did not pan out.  That would have had somebody rioting in the streets.  Ok I mean me and if you would have seen me with my torch running down a dark alley, that's why.  Fortunately I can put the glowstick taped to a broom handle down on this one.  

What did you think of this episode?

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