Welcome to the March 2014 Carnival of Natural Parenting: Everyday Superheroes
This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by Hobo Mama and Code Name: Mama. This month our participants have talked about the remarkable people and characteristics that have touched their lives. Please read to the end to find a list of links to the other carnival participants.
The highlight reel: She gave birth to four children naturally (one in the car!). She homeschooled for nine years. She conquered the corporate world. She started her own business.
You might be able to guess, this is my mom. Her words ring in my head continually. "Go the extra mile!" "Per-sev-ere! (usually she was also signing this one)" "finish strong!" Yes, she spoke in exclamation marks most of my childhood, mostly because she was so passionate.
Passionate about children. Natural childbirth was of utmost importance to her. Not out of requirement, but out of respect for her body and for her child's body. This respect carried so strongly. When my 5-week premature brother ended up in the hospital with RSV at 2 months old, I remember her vigil at the hospital. I remember the late-night TTY calls. She was at the hospital and I was at home with my dad. At five-and-a half, I could only type one finger at a time, which made for a slow conversation.
Passionate about learning. And teaching. Homeschooling for her was an extension of her teaching attitude. It started with us at birth and continued on. One of her favorite events in the world: the first time a child relays a past event. The sentence that comes out of a child's mouth and starts with "remember that time we..." Magical.
Passionate about her journey. Far too many moms can get consumed in identifying with motherhood. They don't feel like it should define them but they can't help but feel that it does define them. After nine years at home, she felt led to move into the workforce. Things had changed in those years: computer skills became a requirement; the Internet was budding; her new job was in finance, not television. In those moments, she followed her own advice to "persevere!" And learned all new skills.
Passionate about her future. Now a veteran in the financial business, my Mom has started her own business. Her mentor is appalled in how well she is doing. She is passionate about helping people with their money. She wants to share her wisdom with everyone who is interested in doing the best for them and their family.
If you want more information about her, e-mail: ngallagher302 {at} gmail {dot} com
What great things has your mom done?
Tune in next week for another great Superhero Moment!
Please take time to read the submissions by the other carnival participants:
(This list will be updated by afternoon March 11 with all the carnival links.)
- I Am A Super Hero — Jennifer at Hybrid Rasta Mama shares how she learned the hard way exactly what it means to be a real super hero and not a burned out shell of a human simply pretending to be one.
- Quiet Heroics — Heroism doesn't have to be big and bold. Read how Jorje of Momma Jorje is a quiet hero…and how you probably are, too.
- Not a Bang, but a Whisper {Carnival of Natural Parenting} — Meegs at A New Day talks about the different types of "superheroes," ones that come in with a bang and ones that come in with a whisper.
- Silent courage of motherhood in rural Cambodia — Nathalie at Kampuchea Crossings marvels at how rural Khmer women defy the odds in childbirth.
- Super Pappy — Mother Goutte's little boy met a superhero in checked slippers and Volkswagen Polo, his grand dad: Super Pappy!
- An Open Letter to Batman — Kati at The Best Things challenges Batman to hold up his end of the deal, in the name of social justice, civic duty, and a little boy named Babe-O!
- My Village — Kellie at Our Mindful Life reflects on the people who helped her to become her best self.
- 5 Lessons My Kids Taught Me — Children are amazing teachers, when we only stop to listen. They remind us to choose happiness, to delight in the small things, to let go and forgive. There is so much we can learn from our children. Justine at The Lone Home Ranger shares a few of the lessons she's learned.
- Could you use some superpowers? — Tat at Mum in search shares a fun activity to help you connect with your own superpowers.
- Like Fire Engines — Tam at tinsenpup tells the story of the day she saw a surprising superhero lurking in the guise of her not entirely mild-mannered four-year-old daughter.
- Everyday Superheroes — Erica at ChildOrganics shares her list of Walker Warburg Syndrome Superheroes that have touched her life forever.
- My Superhero of the Week: Nancy Gallagher — Tribal Mama muses about the transcendent things her superhero mom has done.
- My choice in natural birth does not make me a super hero — Bianca, The Pierogie Mama, discusses her thoughts on her experience with the perception of natural birth and putting those mamas on a different level. Does giving birth naturally give cause for an extra pat on the back? No! All mamas, no matter how they birth, are superheroes.
- Someone's Hero — Sometimes being a parent means pretending to be a grown-up, but it always means you are someone's hero. Read Mandy's lament at Living Peacefully with Children.
- Growing into a Super Hero — Casey at Joyful Courage shares how owning our behavior and choosing to be a better parent, a better person, is an act of courage.
- A Math Superhero — Kerry at City Kids Homeschooling writes that her 7-year-old daughter's superhero is an MIT-trained mathematician.
- It Starts With Truffula Trees And Tulips — Luschka of Diary of a First Child takes a hard look at the realities of her relationship with her mother, and through this post goes on a journey of discovery that ends in a surprise realisation for her.
- We Don't Need an Excuse — Maria Kang (aka "Hot Mom") asks women #WhatsYourExcuse for not being in shape? Dionna at Code Name: Mama asks Hot Mom what her excuse is for not devoting her life to charity work, or fostering dozens of stray dogs each year, or advocating for the needs of others. Better yet, Code Name: Mama says, how about we realize that every woman has her own priorities. Focus on your own, and stop judging others for theirs.
- It's not heroic when you're living it — Lauren at Hobo Mama knows from the inside that homeschooling does not take a hero, and that much of what we choose as parents is simply what works best for us.
- Superheroes, princesses and preschoolers — Garry at Postilius discusses why his preschool-age son is not ready for comic book superheroes.
- The Loving Parents of Children with Special Needs – Everyday Superheroes — Deb Chitwood at Living Montessori Now shares posts with resources for parents of children with special needs along with posts to help others know how to support parents of children with special needs.
- Everyday Empathy — Mommy Giraffe of Little Green Giraffe shares why her secret superpower is everyday empathy.
- The Simplicity of Being a Superhero — Ana at Panda & Ananaso explains what superheroes mean to her wise three-year-old.
- My Father, The Hero — Fathers are pretty amazing; find out why Christine at The Erudite Mom thinks hers is the bees knees.
What a beautiful tribute to your mother, she sounds incredible! I only hope one day my children will have such heartfelt things to say about me. Wonderful.
ReplyDeleteYou are so very blessed to have such a wonder role model - I hope my children will sing my praises someday :)
ReplyDeleteOne born in the car! Whoa. :) Your mom sounds incredible. Thanks for sharing your tribute!
ReplyDeleteThis is such a touching tribute. Your mom sounds like an amazing woman! She seems a lot like the kind of woman I'd like to be.
ReplyDeleteI hope that all of our children will be ignited by the passion we, as parents, show in this wonderful journey called life.
ReplyDeleteIt is such a gift to have a mom who inspires you!!! Hopefully we can all be that for our children ;) Each day is movement in that direction…..