Sunday, June 10, 2012

I am winning against yeast!

Well.. The past few weeks have been the "Half Asleep" portion of myself, blogging wise.  I have been digging into new personal growth and health, and "Wide Awake" when it comes to my body.  My candida infestation seems to be largely on its way out (hooray!),  mostly due to a focused plan.  It included:

1. Kill as much of the fungus as possible with natural antifungals including garlic, pau d'arco, and olive leaf juice.  I also cut out all sugar, including fruit and refined grains.
2.  Remove the toxins that the fungi release upon their demise using spirulina, daily green juices, especially including cilantro and ginger, dandelion root tea, regular HOT baths, and lots of sleep.  The mineral Molybdenum was key in this process, since one of the most prominent toxins is rendered harmless by this mineral.  I also stopped wearing deodorant with aluminum in it and natural deodorants sparingly.
3.  Repopulate and feed the good bacteria that balances out the natural yeast in my body through probiotic pills and eventually lacto-fermented foods (My favorite is carrots).  Feeding the bacteria was mostly through chicory root tea.
4.  Reduce inflammation by eating anti-inflammatory foods, including cinnamon, turmeric, and ginger.  I also stopped eating things that inflamed my body, such as dairy, eggs, and unfermented soy. (I found out these things inflamed MY body through muscle testing.  ie, I still ate things with gluten because it tested fine for me.)  You can be sure no fast food was an option.
5.  Replenish my body's depleted vitamins and minerals through supplementation and juicing.  These supplements were muscle-tested every week to make sure my body still needed them.
6.  Build my body's immune system further with echinacea, goldenseal, vitamin C and garlic. (Again, muscle-tested)
7.  Don't scratch my hand.  This is really hard and I had to be conscious of the desire and push it away.  I did notice that it would itch the most when I was angry, irritated, or stressed.  I have heard that rashes are a manifestation of pent up anger, which I find to be really interesting given the increased incidence of psoriasis and eczema in the world.  But, I digress.

I did these things deliberately and gently.  It had to be something I could do for months because I did not know how long it would take to get rid of this.  I enjoyed the teas and the green juices, and every supplement I took, I envisioned it in my body doing its great job, whether it was removing toxins or building my gut.  I celebrated every tiny win.

Guess what?  I am not perfect.  Last Friday was my birthday and I went out for the first time in forever.  Yep, I drank wine (and liquor).  Yep, I ate pizza and had cake.  I enjoyed every bite.  I enjoyed the company I was with.  I expected to wake up this morning with the rash so much worse.  But guess what?  It looked better!  I can tell you though, I was not feeling great all day yesterday and had to take a bath last night to push some toxins out of my system.  The truth is, I didn't have to be perfect, just intentional.  I intended to eat the wrong foods and I intended to enjoy them.  Then I did enjoy them.  Now, I don't want those foods anymore and my body will respond beautifully because that is what it was built to do.  That is what healthy means to me.

These are the resources I used to compile my own plan:

Jaye Anne

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