We were at the playground. You know, the indoor one at the mall. It's the place where I take my kids when I am fairly certain we have been in the house too long. I can tell because Xavi begins punching with his sister for no apparent reason, followed by hugs and kisses which obviously escalates into more hitting. No, that's not when I hit the kid. Though, I am going to be at a loss once that boy is too heavy to pick up and move. Ehh... that's for future Jaye Anne to work out.
So, we were at this playground. Bella had gone into this dome thing with a little boy. I was concerned what would happen between two three-year-olds of opposite sex in such a private space, so I watched them closely to find out.
I could tell there was tension between them. The boy was trying to convey something in whatever language he was trying to speak. It was a mixture of English and Spanish and unadulterated toddler speech frustration. The one language he clearly spoke was boy. The same language that Bella's brother speaks. That little boy picked his foot up and --tapped-- my little girl with his foot on her CHEST! He meant to kick her harder, so he tried again.
As his foot raised, Warrior Mama came out of me, wanting to kill him. I jumped across an airplane runway and dove into the dome. Fortunately, for everyone, Peaceful Mama brought Warrior Mama down a few (thousand) notches. I pointed at his chest and in a powerful (not yelling) voice said, "YOU do NOT kick her!" He ran off, crying to his mommy. I felt both victorious and guilty. I made someone else's kid cry by defending my own.
What would you have done? How do you handle altercations between toddler acquaintances?
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