I have to pee. Come to the bathroom with me.
Hey, do you want to know the real reason I tandem breastfed?
My daughter was five months old when I got pregnant with my son. When he was born, she was only fourteen months old. She adored breastfeeding more than anything else. I couldn't stop her. It didn't feel right.

Some tips I gleaned from my time tandem nursing:
- Do one at a time as much as you can. There are no points for superhero strength. When I fed both at once, My energy level felt like the power meter from "Christmas Vacation."
- Put the older baby on first because latching her is easier and stronger than the younger one. You can let go of her. The younger one can be supported by the older one's lap or football hold over a sideways Boppy.
- If you are nursing while pregnant, know that your milk supply significantly decreases during the second trimester. Depending on the age of the baby, you may need to add food or (gasp!) formula. The supply and demand trust is broken during this time. Don't fret! your supply comes with a vengeance in the third trimester!
Jaye Anne
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