Rules for me: Phase 1 but modifications for breastfeeding and activity level. Allowed (or required) sweet potatoes or squash or 1/2 cup of other gluten-free dense carb at each meal.
Week 1: Plan this week was to keep my head down and avoid the insult-slinging from coworkers and family. Big event this week: Christmas party with unknown food, c
opious amounts of free alcohol and desserts as far as the eye can see.
How I fared: well I made it through the week with minimal rants. Rants pointed at me and from me were diverted by changing the subject or looking away. Die-off headache was intense, though, lasting for the first 2-3 days. UNcomfortable. As for the Christmas party, I was able to nosh on turkey and sweet potatoes and steak salad. I learned how much fun I could really have dancing without alcohol while everyone else was totally sloshed. And it was a win for the next morning too! Hangover-free. My quads were killing me though. Dancing is a workout no matter what you eat.
Week 2: Plan this week was to keep it up and add in a few dairy-free days. Big events this week: cookie party on Tuesday and a lunchtime end-of-year love-fest thrown by my project head. You might know the type; plenty of sweets but complete lack of real food.
How I fared: My dairy-free days were informative. Being dairy-free for those three days shot my energy levels up, which I maintained when I was back to eating cheese or raw milk. I even considered going to the gym... (I will have to write you another post on how much I really HATE working out.) The cookie party was a big success! Lots of people showed up, except for me. Thanksgiving taught me that gluten is most certainly a no-no, and I would have had to come back to work outside my normal schedule. NO thank you! And the midday love-fest? Plenty of nuts to eat! Chocolate-covered ones! Which, I uh, ate a handful of. Better abilities tomorrow.
Week 3: Plan this week. I didn't have one! The last week of something like this is always the hardest for me. Big event: none until the 22nd, which was the day after the last day. I was really worried about going into sugar shock during Christmas after being sugar-free for so long. So to prepare, I did absolutely nothing.
How I fared: I ended up eating a little bit of sugar in increasing amounts starting on Wednesday. It was a Pink Lady apple on Wednesday, followed by unrestricted sweet potatoes on Thursday, and Friday involved some 70% dark chocolate. By the time Sunday rolled around, I was able to eat practically half a jar of red pepper jelly with basically half a wheel of brie. Flippin' delicious.
Next steps: The holidays basically destroyed any willpower I had left. I ate all the chocolate I could, but stayed away from gluten. I even made biscuits that were just as fluffy as the wheat ones! My (yeast-caused) hand rash was raging during the entire 21 days, but once I was finished, it has mostly subsided and no longer itches (typical yeast biddies). At the end of it, I was better able to gauge my thirst levels and my cracked lips were sealed. My little aches and pains were completely gone and I had the energy to actually make it to the gym 3 times, including one epic tear-filled battle dragging my kids to and from the gym daycare (they were tired...). I felt great. I am out of sugar willpower, but now I have great reasons to do it again March 1st.
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